* The information on this page and the software needed must only be used to make a PERSONAL BACKUP of your legally owned DVD.

This site or persons involved in this guide cannot be held responsible if any of the information and files contained/linked are used in the pursuit of illegal activities such as copyright infringement or piracy.

Configure Instant Copy for Transcode

Step 11: Transcode the DVD files to get the DVD down to Required DVD5 size

When instant copy is launched you screen looks like this.

Press detail button (M) Then Hit advanced to reveal this screen. On copy method select customised resize.

On copy method select customised resize. The settings are only usually set once then just left at that. Here are my settings

I don't keep DVD-Rom content so that's ticked (taken out with DVDRM anyway)

All audio streams are stripped apart from English (taken out with Ifoedit anyway)

All subtitles streams are stripped apart from English (taken out with Ifoedit anyway)

On user Prohibitions check the User Prohibitions you wish to remove. If ripped with DVDDecrypter it'll remove them all by default anyway.

I used to have these settings before I discovered DVDRM and Ifoedit :)

Press OK, now its time to locate our VIDEO_TS.IFO from the final edited folder.

To locate your source or destination Ifo's right click on hard disc and you will get an option like below, either Select Source or Select Destination.

The pic below shows the source file

When you select a folder on your hardrive give it a name.

Mine is "Test" the resulting transcode will give me 5 pdi files, test.pdi (this is the one we will use in DVD Decrypter to burn it) and 4 following test.pdi01, test.pdi02, test.pdi03, test.pdi04,

When your source and destination folders are selected press start and your screen will go on to look like this

Here all we have to do is select how much compression you need on each VTS.

e.g.. You may just want to hit OK and leave the default settings to 89.94%. So the disc will be compressed by 10.06%. Where 89.94% is the percentage of which it will compress the original size and it will compress it as one setting overall,

...or to keep the main movie to a high quality, drop your extras to a lower overall percentage. I.e.. Extras which are not part of the main movie maybe 45% and then up your main movie VTS to around 95% its always different in each case. Just play around and see what you like the best. Sometimes depending on what you keep and the size of the edited files you may have to drop the extras to 40% and main movie to 70%. Even at such compression you will get good results or you may want to strip your disc differently. Maybe main movie and scene selection on 1st disc and extras on second disc. That's what makes DVDRM so good.

By clicking preview, then play you can see which are your extras then adjust the slider at the bottom for your compression. So long as its green you'll be ok.

Overall there is no need to press audio or subs tabs because we have deleted the items we don't want in either DVDRM or Ifoedit.

When you have decided on your overall compression hit ok, your screen will then change to this

When the the process has finished you will have a series of .pdi's in your destination folder.

Next Step : Launch DVD Decrypter to burn Pdi files