* The information on this page and the software needed must only be used to make a PERSONAL BACKUP of your legally owned DVD.

This site or persons involved in this guide cannot be held responsible if any of the information and files contained/linked are used in the pursuit of illegal activities such as copyright infringement or piracy.

Configure I.C.H.S.E. for Instant Copy

Step 11: Congigure ICHSE to get best results from Instant Copy

Ok so we got our re-arranged vobs. Now its time to transcode them so that they will fit on a DVD5 disc as our edited vobs are approx 5.7 gig in size. I personally use Instant Copy but there are many others out there that will do the same job, just with different results. As many of you will probably know sometimes IC doesn't output to the maximum file size we can fit on a recordable DVD.

To try to overcome this I use Instant copy hidden settings editor (ICHSE).

It takes a little bit of tweaking to get the best possible results, but here is what I have mine set at

By pressing button (K) we get to the next screen

As you can see my destination sizes are above 4.7 gig but these settings are what I find to give me roughly the right output size, but even this isn't perfect all the time.

Next step: Now we can launch Instant Copy by pressing button (L)