* The information on this page and the software needed must only be used to make a PERSONAL BACKUP of your legally owned DVD.

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Remove unwanted audio and sub-title streams - Ifoedit

Step 9: Strip out unwanted audio and subtitle streams.

Ok, now we have edited our DVD. It has been checked in PowerDVD for navigation etc.

Now we remove the audio streams that we don't want. We are doing this because I removed the directors commentary button and menu/movie cells.

This can be used in the same way as if you had to remove foreign languages and Subs.

Open ifoedit>Click open ifo file (I)

Select the ifo you made a note of in Step 8. In our case VTS1 as this is the main movie and we are going to be removing the directors commentary from here.

It will then look like this

Most of the time the audio streams are self explanatory and they tell you exactlly what they are, EG.(Dolby AC3) 6ch (5.1 audio track) and sometimes(Dolby AC3) 2ch Directors comments.

Unfortuanately this one doesn't tell me which is directors, so I just played my original DVD in set top player. When playing movie 1st Audio track was 5.1, 2nd Surround 2 channel and 3rd Directors comments, so it is the 3rd audio stream I'm gonna remove.

Press vob extras (J) to remove what we don't need

Make sure your ticks correspond the same as the above image. Select a destination directory where the new vobs are going to be stored.

Hit ok. The next window you see will look something like this.

I have ticks in Audio 0 & 1 and Subs 0 the items I want to keep and audio 3 is the directors comments which we will remove.

(Sometimes there will be more subtitle streams you want to remove as well as audio streams. Just remove them the same way)

Make sure you have a tick in "Correct IFO Tables" then hit "Strip it".

When finished you will get this

In your folder you assigned as destination directory you will have the new Vob, Bup and Ifo files.

To check it open the VTS1 ifo file from the new directory and you will get a screen like this

As you can see Audio 3 has been removed.

Next step: Moving modified files from ifoedit