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"Customize menu background"

"Put two DVDs to one disk keeping original menus"

"Insert chapter into DVD movie keeping menus"

   DvdReMake Pro  
Users say:

I just purchased your DvdReMake PRO and wanted to write to tell you how thrilled I am about this software. I have just gone through 2 days of pain trying virtually every program that I could find until I found yours and I thought, nah I can probably still figure this out without it. 48 hours later with a deadline in 5 hours with no hope of getting a remotely decent re-authored DVD for a meeting with the government that my company is having first thing in the AM. Out of desperation I download your program crossing my fingers....

10 minutes later. Finished. Beautiful. So intuitive that your one paragraph email told me all that I needed to know and I figured the rest out without even having the manual. I can't believe it. What a spectacular program. Talk about the best invested $50 of my life....

My recommendations to anyone looking for a top of the line re-authoring software that takes the pain out of this relatively complicated task.

Many thanks. Darius

DvdReMake Pro je snažan ali intuitivan DVD uređivač koji vam omogućava da promijenite sadržaj, pojavu i navigaciju DVD diska bez potrebe za potpunim reautoringom.

Koristeći jedinstvene mogućnosti uređivanja DvdReMake Pro možete potpuno prilagoditi vaše sigurnosne kopije DVD-a, popraviti authoring greške, spojiti DVD-e ili čak napraviti vlastiti DVD od komadića sa ostalih DVD-ova.

  Glavne DvdReMake Pro mogućnosti

Kao dodatak mogućnostima DvdReMake-a, DvdReMake Pro pruža sve mogućnosti potrebne za uređivanje DVD-a:

  • Stavite više DVDa-a zajedno sa očuvanjem originalnih izbornika;
  • Trace disk navigation with build-in DVD debugger;
  • Replace menu background with still;
  • Premještajte i dodajte novo poglavlje na postojeći dvd;
  • Uređivanje VM naredbi(podržane su sve naredbe i njihova međusobna kombinacija);
  • Uredite i napravite new TitleSets, Titles, Chapters, ProgramChains, Programs;
  • Delete TitleSets, Titles, Chapters, ProgramChains, Programs;
  • Premještajte TitleSets, ProgramChains, naredbe unutar diska ili između različitih DVD-ova;
  • Find DVD navigation errors;
  • Reorder menu buttons;
  • Easily follow DVD navigation using "Goto Destination" and History pane;
  • Change properties of the video, audio and subpicture tracks;
  • Promjena gumba i shema boja bilo u pokretnim ili nepokretnim izbornicima;
  • Jednostavno promijenite boje označavanja.

DvdReMake Pro će čak i popraviti neispravno uređene diskove. Ako postoji razlika između ifo i vob datoteka program će probati popraviti problem.

Probali ste DvdReMake Pro i ne omogućava vam da uredite disk kako bi htjeli? To je samo privremeno. Zaželite i vašu ćemo želju staviti na DvdReMake Pro to-do listu. Magija nije naša jača strana, pa će pomoći ako svoju želju pošaljete e-mailom.