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"Customize menu background"

"Put two DVDs to one disk keeping original menus"

"Insert chapter into DVD movie keeping menus"

   DvdReMake Pro development history  

All new features and bug fixes in latest releases are listed below. Please note, this list includes only those changes between the current production release and the previous production release.

Version 2.6.7 - 29 Mar 2005
problem with merged disks in some cases when second disk contains JumpVTSM command
Version 2.6.6 - 23 Feb 2005
title's attributes set incorrectly in some cases, may result in playback problems
Version 2.6.5 - 16 Feb 2005
problems importing some multiangle disks
Version 2.6.4 - 23 Dec 2004
"autobypass" of hidden material may break navigation of some rare disks
bug in "Add Copied VTS" which can result in program crash during later editing of the added VTS (also may affect "merge dvds"
Version 2.6.3 - 08 Dec 2004
incorrect angles order on some disks
merge disks procedure creates unreferenced block in VMG
error loading projects saved with some old versions
Version 2.6.2 - 07 Nov 2004
pauses during playback
Version 2.6.1 - 05 Nov 2004
bug in "load saved project"
some links (for some disks) are not corrected during dvd merge
Version 2.6.0 - 26 Oct 2004
"one-click" dvds merge tool (accessible from "Tools" menu). Merge two complete dvds preserving menus.
Version 2.5.4 - 18 Oct 2004
playback time computation problems
"move up/down" actions for Language Units in DvdTree pane - to change LU order.
Version 2.5.3 - 13 Oct 2004
check amount of commands when inserting, adding, copiyng post to pre not to exeed 128 commands in all tables
improvements to autobypass procedure
modifications to PGC cell category export
"seamless" attribute is added to the PGC blocks pane and to PGC Block attributes dialog
playback time computation problems
Version 2.5.2 - 05 Oct 2004
set Prohibited User Operations for individual cells
bug in "insert chapter" procedure (JumpVTS_PTT commands corrected for wrong title #)
Version 2.5.1 - 04 Oct 2004
"Insert program" action for PGC cell - insert a new program into PGC which starts with specified cell ("smart" - will renumber what and where is needed to keep navigation the way it was before).
"Insert chapter" action for VTS title ("smart" - all navigation is changed so that chapter selection menus and other navigation commands still point to right chapters).
Version 2.5.0 - 01 Oct 2004
"Bulk replace" action for VideoTitleSet (order or id based blocks replacement)
very sophisticated correction of the navigation commands in BOV when amount of cells in PGCs changes (stripping angles, splitting cell, etc). Not that such disks are common, but DRM should be able to automatically (and correctly) change navigation to keep it right even for disks with complicated navigation.
Version 2.4.4 - 23 Sep 2004
save panes layout between sessions
editing SETCLNK, CSETCLNK or CSETLNK commands can crash the program
changing Prohibited User Operations does not set edited flag
main window is restored as normal after export (even if it was maximized)
Version 2.4.3 - 19 Sep 2004
"Set prohibited operations ..." action for PGC items in DvdTree pane (support for prohibited user operations)
bug introduced in 2.4.1 which can cause program crash while processing multiangle (or seampless branching) disks
Version 2.4.2 - 17 Sep 2004
few improvements in DvdTree pane, Title selection, Chapter Selection and Command Editing dialogs
implement keyboard shortcuts in VTS Titles, VMG Titles and DvdTree panes
items in color scheme table are given in reverse order (was not fixed in 2.4.1)
extended selection of commands (using SHIFT, CTRL)
copy/insert copied/add copied/delete actions use all selected commands
Version 2.4.1 - 15 Sep 2004
PGC program entries are exported incorrectly if first program does not start with first cell
items in color scheme table are given in reverse order
implement keyboard shortcuts in PgcProperties pane (all actions for pre/post/cell commands, CLUT)
small bug in "add button"
implement keyboard shortcuts in DomainContent pane (navigation and actions)
implement keyboard shortcuts in PgcBlocks pane (actions)
Version 2.4.0 - 10 Sep 2004
split cell at user selected place inside cell (together with "cut to" and "cut from" can be used to cut commercials, etc inside a cell)
direct mode is default for new conditional and set operations (if direct mode is allowed)
in some cases arguments of SystemSet commands are not initialized properly in command edit dialog
multiple titles selection (using SHIFT, CTRL) in "Select VTS Title" dialog when adding titles to VMG Titles table (i.e. it is possible to add several titles from TitleSet with one add operation)
multiple programs selection (using SHIFT, CTRL) in "Select Program" dialog when adding chapters to VTS Title or when adding new VTS Title (i.e. it is possible to add several programs from a PGC with one add operation)
better button segments analysis (button properties are also taken into account)
improved autobypass algorithm (take cell commands into account)
faster video parsing for preview
Version 2.3.4 - 25 Jul 2004
problems with some dvds using seamless playback
Parental Mask field in VMG Titles Table is not initialized
much faster Time Map creation
Version 2.3.3 - 22 Jul 2004
only modified ifo files are exported
Version 2.3.2 - 22 Jul 2004
incorrect C_ADT and VOBU_ADMAP tables can be produced in some cases (introduced in 2.3.0)
minor improvements to export procedure
Version 2.3.1 - 21 Jul 2004
changing PGC block properties does not set edited flag
"autobypass" is not executed even when checked in options (introduced in 2.3.0)
import/export menu color schemes in "Color Scheme" dialog
Version 2.3.0 - 17 Jul 2004
pop-up menu to enter numeric value of language code in "Edit command dialog"
registers used somewhere in the DVD are marked with "*" in "Edit command dialog"
remember separate directories for export and for test export for each project
remember last used export and test export directories
changes to pre/post/cell commands do not set "edited" flag
"update exported disk" - export only files changed since the last export
write warning to log file instead of aborting export when some noncritical problems with fwd/bwd search offsets are found in original disk
Version 2.2.3 - 10 Jul 2004
problems handling some multiangle disks
separate setting for the menu duration for test export
import/export CLUT from/to file
in some cases can't save project if another project was closed before
Version 2.2.2 - 8 Jul 2004
don't clear edited flag after saving project
"set language code" action for language units(menus)
problems importing some multiangle disks
move "Enable all operations" to the end of DvdTree pane pop-up menus
Version 2.2.1 - 6 Jul 2004
bug comparing streams in original and replacement blocks that can result in application crash
error importing some multiangle disks
don't show angle selection tab if there are no angles or interleaved cells
Version 2.2.0 - 26 Jun 2004
"All Groups" tab in Button dialog: to edit all button groups at the same time
copy/paste button command actions in BlockPreview pane
"set menu category" (title, root, sub-picture, etc) action for program chains
new VMG and VTS have LanguageUnit
blank blocks are automaticaly changed (PAL or NTSC) when VMG/VTS changes to PAL or NTSC
streams information for new VMG/VTS is taken not from first added block but from first non blank block (if such exists)
give warning instead of stoping dvd import if there is an incorrect VMG titles table size
"Add Cell" action in PGC pane: add cell to last program
Problem saving project if multiangle block was hidden (introduced in 2.1.1)
correcting link commands after hidding/replacing/stripping multiangle block
Version 2.1.3 - 24 Jun 2004
problem with cut cell introduces in 2.1.2
Version 2.1.2 - 23 Jun 2004
DVD export can fail in some rare cases ("check: d_written.amount() > 0 - failed" error)
can't load previously saved project if one of the cells was replaced with cell from standalone VOB file
Version 2.1.1 - 22 Jun 2004
not everything is initialized during "add titleset"; program will crash during "add title" operation
error introduced in 2.1: restore block operations do not work
restore block operations do not work in loaded projects
program can crash after preview of original cell
Version 2.1 - 20 Jun 2004
some changes to replace/hide multiangle blocks and to "strip angles"
export frame
domain preview shows used cells(#) on each frame (instead of used block #)
selected item in list moves to the bottom of the window after disk modifications
improvements to "Select Program Dialog": program following the program used in previous chapter is selected by default
"smart" "Append copied PGC" action in "PGC Blocks" pane and for PGC items in "DvdTree" pane: appends programs and cell commands from copied PGC to selected PGC, takes care of links in cell commands, and in buttons (if any)
Version 2.0.1 - 12 Jun 2004
TMAPI table (for fast forward/backward search) created with errors for some disks
delete temporary files on close
improvements to "Edit Block Atributes Dialog" (still time "infinity" is next after "no still")
blocks with edited buttons are not marked as "edited"
double click on button opens "Button Edit Dialog"
Version 2.0 - 05 Jun 2004
"Jump VMG title command"
preserve dvd text data
"false alarms" with CallVMG title menu and JumpVMG title menu commands
add title to titleset
add chapter to title
copy/add copied VTS
edit/add titles to VMG titles list
add vts to dvd
autobypass hidden parts on export
problem with Call VMGM
minimize main window while exporting
show/edit PGC CLUT
show pre, post, go up PGC#, still time, playback mode for PGC
pgc still time were not imported/exported/saved into .drp files
bugs in command editing dialog
BlockPreview pane "scroll bar" problem on XP
add/delete First Play to VMG
export directory is not locked after export now
not used assets are released automaticaly when project is closed
crash previewing last blocks in big titleset
show where blocks are used
restrictions on commands (depending on command domain)
hide/restore block from the BlockPreview pane
preview original block content for edited blocks
problem with dissapearing menu buttons when still menu is in VMG
project is not considered modified after editing PGC commands
options dialog
multiple document interface: multiple views of the same project, multiple projects at the same time
check that destination directory will fit exported disk
disable export into source directory
check for ifo/bup/vob files in destination directory (with clear option)
mark edited blocks
show cell size up to (and to the end from) current position in Block Preview pane
"animate" Domain Preview pane
problem with importing some multiangle disks
"restore blocks" action added to all places where "hide block" can be called
"tips" support: at the moment the only generated tip is by how much disk is larger then specified target size
"add pgc" action for Program Chains
"copy pgc" action for PGC
"add copied pgc" action for Program Chains
remember size/position/editing mode and import/export directories from previous session
"add program" with blank cell to PGC
"strip angles" action added for VTS items
pre parse whole DVD while importing to have complete dvd navigation information
"hide menu transitions" action for menus
show block playback time in blocks list view
show cell size and playback time in Block Preview
"smart" delete/insert pgc commands ("goto line" and "block cell command #" are changed automaticaly to keep valid navigation)
copy/paste commands
"smart" add post pgc commands to pre pgc commands (correct goto and break commands)
recovering cell information for interleaved cells
export test disk
show all VMG LUs (VMG could also have menus in different languages)
split (deinterleave) seamless playback cells
DvdReMake 1.4.6 - 23 Apr 2004

Log of previous releases.