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"Customize menu background"

"Put two DVDs to one disk keeping original menus"

"Insert chapter into DVD movie keeping menus"

   Skini DvdReMake Pro  
Users say:
Yours seems to be the only program on the planet that actually does what it says it does! I use DVD Remake PRO to literally re-make DVDs. /William

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  User Manual

     Language       Based on DvdReMake Pro   
 EnglishEnglish  v3.1.3  
 ItalianItalian  v3.1.3  
 FrenchFrench  v3.0.4  

  Pripremljene VOB zamjene

Kao pogodnost DvdReMake Pro korisnicima pripremili samo neke video isječke koji se često koriste kod reautoringa.

Merged DVD start-up menu backgrounds (2, 3 and 4 buttons) for NTSC
Merged DVD start-up menu backgrounds (2, 3 and 4 buttons) for PAL
"To Be Continued ..." for NTSC
"To Be Continued ..." for PAL
"Feature removed" for NTSC
"Feature removed" for PAL