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 Historique version
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New features in
DvdReMake v3.

"One-click" menu bypass

"Customize menu background"

" Put two DVDs to one disk keeping original menus "

   DvdReMake development history  

Changes to newest releases

Version 1.4.6 - 23 Apr 2004
In some cases cell commands do not get executed in exported disk.
Values in PGC Block Attributes dialog are not correctly initialized.
Version 1.4.5 - 11 Apr 2004
In some cases pauses between cells playback in menu PGC
Version 1.4.4 - 10 Apr 2004
export frame as 24-bit bitmap
error importing PGC using same block twice
Version 1.4.3 - 08 Apr 2004
add/import buttons into hiden or replaced block
update buttons amount shown on the button segment tab after add/delete/import buttons
Version 1.4.2 - 06 Apr 2004
add button/import buttons crash program.
Version 1.4.1 - 04 Apr 2004
cell commands are not saved with the project. After project is opened all cell commands are gone. Although DvdReMake will open old projects, it is not safe to use them.
adding/inserting/deleting commands does not update command count on the tab below
Version 1.4 - 04 Apr 2004
edit PGC block attributes (still time, command#, restricted flag)
changes to the way multiangle and seamless playback disks are handled
hide all blocks before/after selected block
error introduced in 1.2.4: "PCI" multiangle blocks will play sequentially
sound notification when dvd export is finished
Version 1.3.1 - 29 Mar 2004
VM domain is determined incorrectly for menu buttons
initialization of SetSTN in command editing dialog
indexes of PGC sub-picture streams were clipped at 16 (i.e. 17 would become 1)
if an audio(sub-picture) stream is removed by some other application before disk is imported into DvdReMake, then references to all streams after removed are also removed from PGC
substitute block in the PGC - reuse already available in the domain blocks in multiple PGCs
Version 1.3 - 26 Mar 2004
command editor for entering conditional, set, link/jump/call operations in various combinations
add/insert/delete/edit command in PGC
Version 1.2.5 - 23 Mar 2004
bug in buttons command editing dialog
on some disks multiangles become "single angles" played sequentially
multi angle blocks are hidden incorectly if operation is done in advanced mode from the PGC properties pane
Version 1.2 - release - 19 Mar 2004
"flying by" menus - flag in cell category is set incorrectly in some cases, due to this playback of all still menus in the PGC goes through all cells straight to the last one.
dummy cell is written into empty vob to shut up Nero (it does not like zero sized vob files).
some more errors in ifo tables can be detected during dvd import and fixed.
new commands parser - should be easier to read commands
program can crush replacing large block
Version 1.1 - release - 12 Mar 2004
support for disks with cells which are interleaved but are not in angle block
significantly reduce memory usage
vts items in dvd tree show whole VTS size (movie+menus and not just movie as it was before)
hide block in PGC hides it only in this PGC (other PGCs using this block will still have original)
replace block in PGC (replaces it only in this PGC, other PGCs using this block will still have original)
hover text over items in "tree" windows does not let mouse clicks through on platforms that do not support layered windows
"replace block" functionality
Version 1.0.1 - 04 Mar 2004
open saved project fails if there are more then 9 titlesets (changed to 99)
"highlight end" and "button selection end" time are set incorrectly for still cells
Version 1.0 - release - 02 Mar 2004
Version 0.7.7 - 01 Mar 2004
cell properties moved to program/cells panel
"hide" multi angle block may brake navigation if there is LinkCN command somewhere in the PGC
Version 0.7.6 - 25 Feb 2004
WinXP look when run on WinXP
if vob files are missing then needed cells are replaced with blanks automaticaly
Version 0.7.5 - 23 Feb 2004
button position entry (in button properties dialog)
Version 0.7.4 - 22 Feb 2004
collumn resizing behaves more "natural"
bunch of small visual improvements in the GUI (here and there)
tool-tip over buttons show button command and auto action flag
switching between easy and advanced modes does not reset selection in DvdTree pane
Version 0.7.3 - 17 Feb 2004
reduce program memory usage
Version 0.7.2 - 13 Feb 2004
reduce memory required by procedure recovering C_ADT & VOBU_ADMAP tables
Version 0.7.1 - 12 Feb 2004
program may crash deleting language unit with cells not completely parsed
Version 0.7.0 - 12 Feb 2004
parental management info is not completely removed
title number in VTS_PGCITI is not written for some PGCs
hide all command does not zero still time
Easy and advanced mode buttons reset editing tree position
ascii literals in disassembled commands (country codes) are incorrectly capitalized
AND disassembly display weird
PGC attributes not shown until resize
view for VMG titles
Version 0.6.9 - 30 Jan 2004
export of bup files
Version 0.6.8 - 29 Jan 2004
easy/pro editing mode
projects with parsed large cells are saved incorrectly
Version 0.6.7 - 28 Jan 2004
show PGC cell properties - not yet editable
show PGC properties: pre&post commands - not yet editable
Version 0.6.6 - 25 Jan 2004
do not show blocks list if there is less then two blocks (may be need to move it back - for "hide" consistency)
bunch of small bugs in code added in 0.6.5
progress indicator for time map export
Version 0.6.5 - 25 Jan 2004
view for program chains
view for titles in titlesets
Version 0.6.4 - 24 Jan 2004
changed condition for SeamlessPlaybackLinkedInPCI flag in PGC cell category
time map step duration is always exported as 1 second (even when time map is created with 5 sec steps)
set "prohibited user operations" in vob files
modified drp file format (ver 3 for VobCell), but it is backward compatible (later releases can import projects saved by previous releases)
"enable all operations" menu item for titlesets (all PGCs in titleset)
"enable all operations" menu item for DVD (remove all prohibited user operations in whole disk)
order of flags in prohibited user operations word
program can crash previewing large cells which were "cut"
show P frames in preview as well
Version 0.6.3 - beta - 23 Jan 2004
removed debug code which would assert if cell is cut
Version 0.6.2 - beta - 22 Jan 2004
registration imprinting - each downloaded copy will have registration info imprinted
vob/cell numbering, now "cells dicontinuity" is taken into account
cut to current frame (actually to vobu with current frame)
vobu nav packets export
time map export bug
time map export: for PGC longer then 30 min step is 5 sec, otherwise 1 sec
Version 0.6.1 - beta - 19 Jan 2004
remove "topmost window" flag from progress dialog
set cell still time to 0 in all PGC for all "hidden" cells
Version 0.6.0 - beta - 18 Jan 2004
cell parsing could fall into infinite loop if there is a mismatch between vob and ifo info
instead of cancelling dvd import, blank cell is substituted in cases if there is a cell in PGC which uses (cellID, vobID) not present in vob file
instead of cancelling dvd import, NOP is used if cell command index is out of bounds of cells command table
ability to cancell dvd import
incorrect "Mismatch between ifo and vob file" thrown when cell parsing is resumed after disk is exported
error (dvdFootprint == dvdSize) is shown although disk is exported correctly
check available disk size before dvd export
time map generation in ifo files
total disk size not always updated
Version 0.5.9 - beta - 16 Jan 2004
click in AngleBlocksListView can cause crash if there is no blocks in it
Version 0.5.8 - beta - 15 Jan 2004
PREU flags exported incorrectly to vob files, this resulted in incorrect playback of interleaved multiangle blocks
size of C_ADT & VOBU_ADMAP tables exported incorrectly
Version 0.5.7 - beta - 14 Jan 2004
cell category fields in PGCs are created using actual info in vob data (not reused from initial ifo files as it was so far)
specification version # in VTS exported incorrectly
Version 0.5.6 - beta - 13 Jan 2004
small memory leak caused by debug code inserted in 0.5.5
rest of the cell can be cat from current frame (interleaved blocks (with angles) can't be cut)
AngleBlocks (in top window) with more then one angle have "A" inticator on them
vob file modification for "cut from" cells (all relevant offsets and timings in vobus)
Version 0.5.5 - beta - 11 Jan 2004
size of menus in VTS was not shown
cell position info (LastVobuEndSector) in PGCs in some cases exported incorrectly
cut rest of the cell (NOT YET COMPLETE!)
progress indicator for: save project, open project, import dvd
menu items in File menu (may be this way they would be more intuitive)
stupid typo in procedure recovering C_ADT & VOBU_ADMAP tables
Version 0.5.4 - beta - 10 Jan 2004
progress indicator while exporting dvd
show dvd item with whole disk size